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Massage Style
professional services


A table massage is a form of massage therapy performed with the recipient lying on a table specially designed to provide comfort and support. During the session, the masseuse uses various massage techniques to relieve muscle tension, reduce stress and promote the individual’s overall well-being.

heal from the heart


The lomi lomi massage is a wonderful experience that immerses you in a state of deep relaxation. During the massage, you will feel how the gentle and rhythmic manipulations with your hands, forearms and elbows release tension from your body, giving you a feeling of peace and well-being. 

This type of massage focuses on you as a whole, not just specific parts, allowing you to experience a deep connection with your inner self. Additionally, lomi lomi can improve blood circulation, relieving muscle tension and providing a space to release repressed emotions and find inner balance. It is an experience that allows you to reconnect with yourself, find harmony and experience a deep sense of tranquility.


Live the ancestral wisdom of Hawaii, feel the dance and waves of the sea on your body. This massage works in a constant flow of movements, stretches and pressures. Releases tension at subtle and deep levels of the body.



Enjoy this extraordinary experience full of sensations, receiving a massage from two therapists simultaneously. 

Disconnect your mind, become more flexible, take your body to a new state.




Relax your entire body, receive the experience of a relaxing massage with the subtlety and sweetness of rose petals. Envelop your senses, return to your state of peace and inner harmony.

Relax your entire body with a renewing massage feeling the subtlety and sweetness of rose petals. Envelop your senses, return to your state of peace and inner harmony.


Open and dissolve deep tension through a relieving massage. Receive the assistance of the elementals, breathing physical tensions and the flow of your thoughts. 

Connect with the earth by letting yourself be guided towards the rooting of your body and experience the transmutation of fire with candles.

water experience


Renew your body and live a unique experience through water massage. Relieve your physical pain; Let the waters free you from emotions and sensations that you want to release. Reconnect with the energy of your birth (primary movements), in tempered waters.

Stretcher Massage

Time: 1 Hour
Price: € 50

Lomi Lomi Nui

Time: 1 Hour
Price: € 65

Deep Massage

Time: 1 Hour
Price: € 75

Caress of Roses

Time: 1 Hour
Price: € 85

Aquatic Massage

Time: 1 Hour
Price: € 100

Lomi Lomi with 4 Hands

Time: 1 Hour
Price: € 100



I provide support and accompaniment on your path using 20 years of practice and training in Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Lomi Lomi Nui, Chi Kung, Shiatsu and Pilates.

These disciplines have shown me new ways and complementary perspectives that I will be sharing in the Janzu trainings and in the post-training advice section.

"Excellent professional with extensive experience in different types of massages. Highly recommended!"
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